Most recent 11 articles

How Aldous Huxley prophesied the Big Data nightmare

In 1958 the journalist Mike Wallace interviewed Aldous Huxley, the British author best known for writing "Brave New World." This dystopian sci-fi novel, published in 1932, takes place in the fictional and future World State society, where human beings are produced in laboratories and assigned to…

Fight for your right... to repair

Is the rise in the popularity of cell phone cameras to blame? Not necessarily. Professional and amateur photographers alike still use film and digital cameras. Both cameras and phones need repair — and even if there’s a shop in your town that repairs phones, they probably can’t totally fix the i…

On climate change, it’s time to start panicking

It is time for us to panic about global warming. Indeed, a proper state of panic is long overdue.

Global warming has made the news for a number of reasons this week: The Supreme Court rejected a request by President Donald Trump to halt a lawsuit by children and teenagers to force the fe…