Most recent 25 articles

Excess Weight Can Weaken The Flu Shot

            Being overweight or obese can diminish the effectiveness of a flu shot, researchers say.

                Derek Davis/Portland Press Herald/Getty Images

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"What's particularly disturbing for us is the fact that the vaccine doesn't work a…

Women May Be More Adept Than Men At Discerning Pain

For more than two decades, Fillingim has been studying gender differences and pain, most recently at the University of Florida's Pain Research and Intervention Center of Excellence, where he is director. He recruits healthy male and female volunteers to take part in experimental pain sessions us…

2 Nurses In Tennessee Preach 'Diabetes Reversal'

Chains, saws and old logging equipment litter the back field of Wendy Norris' family farm, near the county seat of Altamont, Tenn. Norris used to be part of the local timber industry, and the rusted tools are relics from a time when health woes didn't hold her back from felling hardwoods.
